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June 17, 2024

What Is the Average Engagement Rate on Instagram?

This post in a nutshell:

  • The average Instagram engagement rate
  • How to improve your Instagram engagement rate
  • Calculating your engagement rate
  • Industry benchmarks for Instagram engagement rates
Distracted Boyfriend Meme - Imgflip

If you're using Instagram to promote your brand, it's crucial to know how well you're engaging with your audience. Social media metrics such as engagement rate is one of the most important to analyze your Instagram performance.

In this article, we'll explore what engagement rate is and why it matters, as well as the factors that affect it, how to calculate it, and industry benchmarks to aim for.

What is the average engagement rate on Instagram in 2024?

According to Hootsuite, the average engagement rate depends on your industry and ranges from 1-4%. More on industry-specific engagement rates below! But first, we'll discuss why your engagement rate is important, as well as factors contributing to your engagement rate.

The meaning of engagement rate

Engagement rate refers to the ratio of interactions your post receives to the number on your follower count.

Engagement rate calculation typicallyincludes likes, comments, and shares. Rather than simply counting likes per post and a batch of followers, engagement rate provides a more accurate measure of how engaged your active audience is with yoursocial mediaposts.

It's important to note that engagement rate can vary depending on the size of your following. Low-follower accounts may have a higher engagement rate as audience quality is higher and their followers are more likely to interact with theircontent.

On the other hand, accounts with a larger following may have lower engagements per post, as their content is being seen by a wider audience who may not all be interested in engaging with it.

Related: Social Media Marketing Goals - Brand Reputation vs Sales vs Engagement

Why is your engagement rate important?

Audience engagement stats are indicators of your audience's interest in your brand and the effectiveness of a piece of content.

It shows the level of connection you're building with your authentic audience and can help you identify what works and what doesn't in your social media strategy.

For example, if you notice that you have a poor engagement rate, it may be a sign that your content isn't resonating with your audience personas. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as thetimeof posting, or using hashtags that aren't relevant to your target audience.

On the flip side, if you see a spike in engagement rate after posting a certain type of content, you can use that information to inform your future content strategy and create more of what your audience wants to see.

Another reason why engagement rate is important is because it can impact the visibility of your posts.

Instagram's algorithm takes into account engagement rate statistics when determining which posts to show to engaged users. Types of posts with a higher engagement rate are more likely to be shown to a wider audience,increasing your average reach rate and potentially attracting new followers.

Related: How to Increase Engagement on Social Media

Factors affecting Instagram engagement rates

With billions of people using Instagram, it can be challenging to stand out and engage with your audience.

There are several factors that can affect your engagement rate and user interaction on Instagram:

Content quality

The quality of your content is perhaps the most important factor affecting your engagement rate. Your posts should be visually appealing, well-written, and relevant to your audience's interests. You should also aim to tell a story or deliver a message that connects emotionally with your followers. This emotional connection can help build a loyal following that engages with your content on a regular basis.

One way to improve the quality of your content is to invest in high-quality visuals. This can include professional photography orgraphic design. You can also experiment with different types of relevant content, such asvideoposts,or Instagram Stories, to see what is the best-performing content type for your audience.

Posting frequency

How often you post also affects your engagement rate. Posting too frequently can overwhelm your audience, while posting too infrequently can lead to decreased visibility. Aim to strike a balance with the amount of times per week you post, that keeps your followers engaged without overwhelming them with content.

To determine the optimal posting frequency for your account is to experiment with different schedules on your social media calendar and track your engagement rates. You can also use analytics features like Instagram Insights to see when your most active users are on the platform and adjust your posting schedule accordingly.

Use of hashtags and geotags

Using relevanthashtagsand geotags can help your content reach a wider audience and increase your engagement rate. However, be mindful not to overuse hashtags, as this can come across as spammy and decrease your credibility.

When choosinghashtags, aim for a mix of broad hashtags, popularhashtags, community hashtags and and niche hashtags.

Broad tags, such as #food or #travel, can help your content reach a larger audience. Specific tags, such as #veganfood or #beachlife, can help you target a more niche audience.

As a good rule of thumb, aim to post 5-10 relevant hashtags per post.

Geotags can also be useful for reaching a local audience. If you're a local business, for example, you can use geotags to target potential customers in your area.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags for Social Media Agencies

Audience demographics

Your engagement rate can also be influenced by the demographics of your audience. Older audiences, for example, tend to engage less frequently than younger audiences.

Understanding your audience's demographics and tailoring more engaging content to their interests can help boost your engagement rate.InstagramInsights help you to gain actionable insights into your audience's demographics, such as age, gender, and location.

Related: How to Increase Social Media Engagement: A Guide for Agencies

Calculating your Instagram engagement rate

Engagement rate formula

If you want to calculate your engagement rate of a single post, the formula is simple:

  1. Add up the number of likes, comments and shares your post received.
  2. Divide this number by the number of followers you have.
  3. Multiply this by 100.

For example, if a post received 500 likes, 100 comments, and 50 shares, and you have 10,000 followers, your engagement rate would be:

((500+100+50)/10,000)*100 = 6.5%.

Analyzing your results

Once you've calculated your engagement rate by post, it's important to analyze the results.

Look for patterns in your content that receive the most engagement, as well as any outliers that may be dragging down your overall rate. Use this information to adjust your social strategy and improve your engagement rate over time.

Industry benchmarks for Instagram engagement rates

While it's important to focus on improving your own engagement rate, it can also be helpful to compare your rate to the Instagram industry benchmark.

As of 2023, the average engagement rate for all post types on Instagram by Business Accounts is around 0.71%. The median engagement rate for photos is 0.59%, the median rate for video content is 0.58% and for Instagram Carousel posts it sits at 1.26%.

Remember, this can vary widely based on factors like audience size and content quality.

Related: What Is a Good Influencer Engagement Rate?

Top performing industries on Instagram

Some industries tend to perform better than others on Instagram.

In terms of engagement rate, the industries that tend to perform particularly well on Instagram are:

  • Beauty industry
  • Fashion industry
  • Travel and airline sector
  • Food industry

However, this can also depend on your specific location and target audience.

In summary, understanding your engagement rate is crucial for measuring the effectiveness of your Instagram content strategy and building a loyal following. By focusing on factors that affect your engagement rate, calculating your rate regularly, and analyzing your results, you can improve your performance and stay ahead of the competition.

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