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May 28, 2024

A Step-By-Step Guide to Converting Your Blog Traffic Into Sales

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Enjoying a healthy amount of blog traffic? Great! It's a positive sign that your content marketing is working.

But what if your visitor to conversion ratio tells a different story?

If you don't have a sales funnel in place to actively convert blog traffic into leads, you could be losing out on potential customers.

Getting potential buyers to arrive on your blog through social media, search engines and other forms of inbound traffic is an important starting point. But what happens next?

Read on if you want to find out how to bridge the gap and turn visitors into customers.

Step 1: Know your audience

The first step to making your blog sell is making sure your content is highly targeted.

The more your content speaks directly to your audiences' needs, the more likely they are to become your customer.

In order to get to know your customer a little better, ask yourself the following questions:

Who are you blogging for?

If your answer to this is “everybody”, then wrong answer!

The best bloggers out there always choose a specific niche. A more focused target audience allows you to create content that answers the questions and needs of a very specific group- which is key for earning trust from your readers and making that conversion.

If you're in the tech industry, for example, are you going to write about everything and anything to do with technology?

Remember, you'll be competing with giants such as Techcrunch, Mashable, and Wired. In order to stand out, it might be better to narrow your content into smaller niches such as wearable or mobile tech, for example.

The same goes for any industry: how can you make your blog more specific, more targeted, and more unique?

What are their pain points?

Knowing your customers' pain points will help you answer their questions directly and deliver high-quality content that speaks to their needs.

Not only does this make your blog their go-to source, but, more importantly, it makes it easier to sell to your audience further down the line.

What questions are they asking on Google and Quora? What problems are they experiencing that your product or service can solve?

Once you identify your visitor's needs, you have the advantage of meeting these needs by presenting your business or service as the solution.

Where are they in their buyers' journey?

A big part of getting to know your blog visitor is understanding the “buyer cycle” - the pathways your potential customers take before they decide to make a purchase.

Customers will normally go through these four stages:

  • Need: Your visitor knows they need something, but they're not sure exactly what it is, or how to get it/solve the problem yet.
  • Initial research: Your visitor turns to social media, blogs, and forums to try and find the answer.
  • Solution: The visitor has found the answer to their question or a product/service that offers them a solution.
  • Purchase: The customer makes their purchase- yay!

If you're creating blog content with the intention to sell, chances are you'll be targeting audiences in the initial research stage.

The aim of the game here is to accompany your audience through the rest of their buyer cycle right through to that purchase.

Easy, right!?

Related: 3 Tools To Generate Blog Content Ideas

Step 2: Write conversion-friendly content

Many business owners believe the real selling starts after you've written the content and clicked “publish.” However, that's not the case.

Content should be planned and written with conversion in mind. Here's how:

Choose your topic wisely

Conversion should be on your mind before you even put pen to paper.

What content solves your readers' pain points and answers their most frequently asked questions? Going back to your customers' pain points here is really useful.

Once you've established a few key questions, you can then begin to structure your content around your audiences' needs.

Avoid distractions

Blogs aimed at driving sales should stick to one, easy to follow narrative.

Your aim is to (a) inform your reader on how to solve their problem and (b) lead them seamlessly to making a purchase.

A post full of irrelevant information or too many outbound links just distracts your reader- and steers them off the path to that all-important conversion.

So, always try to keep your posts clear, concise, and to the point.

Write with readability in mind

We're all very busy people. We all have relatively short attention spans.

In order to keep your blog traffic on your page for as long as possible, you need to make your content super easy to read.

Given that the bounce rate for most websites is less than 8 seconds, you've got a very short window to get your point across.

Make sure you do the following so that your content is easily skimmable:

  • Include bold headings and subheadings as much as possible.
  • Keep sentences short (no more than 20 words).
  • Keep paragraphs short.
  • Use images and screenshots to break up the text.
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.

Include a bold CTA

50 Powerful Call-to-Action Phrases to Convert More Customers (with  Examples) | LocaliQ

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: a blog without a call to action is like a party with no cake.

It's not just upsetting; it's unthinkable.

If your reader has enjoyed your content, this is your time to sell to them; so make it count!

Your CTA should tell your blog traffic exactly what it is you want them to do next, without being too pushy or intrusive.

For example, a small banner on the side or at the end of your content, or an exit-intent pop-up saying “Sign up for your free E-book” or “Download our free crash course” could be very enticing to the right reader!

Want to know how to use social media to sell your content? You might like this post.

Step 3: Lure them in

Create urgency

Ever made an impulse buy (or two)? You don't really need that delicious cake, but it's today's special… and the price, well, it's just too good to say no…

We've all been there.

The idea that something we want is only available for a limited amount of time can drive many customers to make a purchase or sign up on a whim.

You can add urgency in two ways:

  1. In your content: Use language and data that convinces your reader why they need to buy your product or sign up to your newsletter right now.
  2. In your popup or content CTA's: Offer time-sensitive or a limited number of freebies, coupons or money off deals.

Give something of value for free

Giving something away for free, otherwise known as a ‘lead magnet', is a proven way to get leads.

Lead magnets encourage visitors to download/subscribe/watch something of value in exchange for their email address.

“Something of value” could be any of the following:

  • Style guides
  • How-tos
  • E-books
  • Content calendar
  • Travel tips
  • Vouchers, discounts, or freebies

Neil Patel, now one of the biggest online presences for content marketing, created $30,000-worth of advanced content marketing guides.

He shared every single one of them (several thousand times over) for free.

Why? Because the inbound traffic and conversion rate generated from his free guides would go off the charts- generating a lot more cash (through partnerships with big companies) than he would have got from selling them

Related: 6 Ways To Breathe Life Back Into Your Old Blog Posts

Step 4: Nurture your leads into sales

Once you've got your lead, the real work begins.

The fact that your reader has given you their email address means they're interested, but it could take some time before they become a paying customer.

Email marketing

Make sure you stay in touch with a well-thought-out, highly personalized, and consistent email marketing strategy.

At this stage, it's good to warm your lead up a little further.

Rather than go in all guns blazing trying to sell to them as soon as they've signed up, continue giving your lead something of value at no cost or commitment to them.

Show them that they've made the right decision in signing up by giving them more great content in a weekly newsletter, roundup, or build an email course with educational content (you can then pitch your product/service at the end of the course).

To do this more effectively, we'd recommend using an email marketing automation tool like Drip or Convertkit.

This is a great way to build trust between you and your lead and puts you in a better position to start selling at a later date.

Here's an email campaign example from DigtalMarketer.

What we like about this:

  • The email identifies the lead as a new subscriber, which adds instant personalization.
  • Familiarity is being established through a drip-fed 3-part email series; creating expectation and intrigue.
  • Content is carefully worded as ‘gifts'. This puts the focus on your lead and less on your business.
  • Provides highly relevant and useful content to the lead.

Related: Our Guide to Email Marketing Automation Services

Messenger bots

An increasingly popular way to stay in touch with your leads is through Facebook messenger bots.

Bots can respond immediately to common questions, select useful/entertaining content according to the customers' interests, and even process a sale.

If you'd like to give bots a go, we'd recommend using ManyChat or Chatfuel.

Check out this useful article if you'd like to find out more about messenger bots for business.

Related: Top 10 Most Popular Messenger Apps In The USA

Make them an offer they can't refuse

Once you've built a relationship with your lead, you can then make them a value proposition.

A value proposition provides both an insight on why your lead should become a customer, how they would benefit from your service/product, and, most importantly, an incentive.

One of the most effective ways to convert leads into sales is to follow up with a discount voucher for your product or service. In fact, seven out of ten leads are proven to convert using coupons or discounts.

For example, you could offer 20% off a first purchase, 2-4-1 offers, or free shipping.

As we mentioned above, low supply creates high demand, so provide your special offer for a limited period of time only. This scarcity and urgency technique helps build a sense of exclusivity and value.

Remember: quick follow-ups and responsiveness improve your chances of conversion - so keep a close eye on your communication channels!

Retarget your audience

Is Google Analytics telling you you have lots of blog traffic but not enough conversions?

All is not lost.

There's this clever thing called re-marketing: ads that follow your visitor as they browse through the web.

It's a little creepy but quite effective. Ever wondered how brands that you were looking at earlier that day (or maybe earlier that week) will pop up on other sites or whilst you're browsing your social media feeds?

The idea is that if someone has clicked off your page without making a purchase, you have another chance of redirecting them back to your site via your retargeted ad.

There are tools out there like Perfect Audience, ReTargeter or Google AdWords to help you retarget audiences on other sites.

Key takeaway- what you can do today

We hope this post has given you a clear insight into building a blogging strategy that converts blog traffic into solid leads and sales.

The key thing to remember here is that selling to your customer doesn't start after you have their email address. In order to see real, steady conversions, you need to be writing and planning your strategy with conversion in mind.

It's all about knowing your customer, their needs, and the paths they take to finally reach that purchase.

Once you know this, you can then start speaking directly to your customer, which, if your product or service is what they're looking for, inevitably increases conversion.

For today, start brainstorming your target audiences' pain points and their buyer journey. Take a look at sites like Quora and check out keywords in Google's Adwords keyword planner. What answers are your target audience searching for?

You can then start structuring a content strategy that speaks directly to your target audiences' pain points- and hopefully start converting your blog traffic.

Good luck!

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