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April 3, 2024

Your Complete Guide to White Label Social Media Management

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Are you a digital agency looking to scale your business? Perhaps you're searching for a way to take the time and effort out of social media management to help you focus on other areas of your business.

Well, we may have just the answer: white label social media management.

In this article, we'll explain the basics of white label services, the benefits of white label social media, and how hiring a white label social media marketing agency could be the ticket to successfully scaling your business.

Related: White Label Services Can Resell to Scale Recurring Revenue

What is white labeling?

White labeling is quite a simple concept. Generally, this is when a company removes the branding from a product or service and instead uses the branding of the purchaser to allow the purchaser to sell the product or service on as their own.

While you may have never come across the term “white labeling” before, you have probably bought or seen something that has gone through the white label process.

Cereal is a good example. When you go to the grocery store and look for your favorite cereal, there is often a wide selection of the same cereal but with different brands and names. White label products (aka private label products) have the same manufacturer and are sold under different branding.

White label social media management is the same idea. A white label agency provides social media content management services - such as content creation, scheduling and analytics - that you can package and resell to your own clients.

Who benefits from white labeling?

Any marketing agency who offers social media management services can reap the advantages of white labeling - whether you're a start-up or well established.

It's particularly useful for those who want to scale their businesses without the costs, time and effort that comes with either doing social media management on your own, with in-house employees, or with freelancers.

Or perhaps, you're an agency that doesn't yet offer social media at all. White labeling gives you the opportunity to expand your services by outsourcing the social media management which, in turn, will help you scale your business.

Freelance marketers may also benefit from using white label agencies. If you've recently secured some new clients and growing their social media presence is taking too much of your time, white label social media management will free up some of that time for you to focus on other things, such as admin or your own marketing.

How does white label social media management work?

The first step is to do your research and choose a white label social media marketing agency that is reputable, like MixBloom😉 (Want to research more options? Our post Top 6 White-Label Social Media Management Services is a good place to start.)

MixBloom is a white label social media management solution with a team of social media experts ready to take the social media management process off your hands so that you can present quality, custom social media posts to your clients - without having to hire, train, and manage your own team!

Here’s what to expect when you choose MixBloom:

  1. We’ll invite you to an onboarding session - here we will introduce ourselves, show you how the entire process works, and give you a tour of the features and customization options in the dashboard. At this stage, we’ll review your strategy and agree on one that will allow you to attract your target audience and curate content that encompasses the brand’s tone and personality.
  2. You’ll be introduced to one of our Social Media Managers, who will be the one getting to know the brand and strategy down to a T and crafting all of the content for the brand.
  3. Your Social Media Manager will start creating your custom social media content, which includes image (or video) and copy adapted for each social media channel.
  4. The next step is the all important feedback and approval process. Once the Social Media Manager has uploaded the schedule onto our white label dashboard, you and your client will be able to review the content and send feedback on individual posts, ask for changes or approve the content. Taking on board any feedback, revisions will be made within just a few hours.
  5. You can leave the scheduling and posting to us too. We’ll take care of publishing the approved content, on time, on all agreed social media platforms.

The benefits of white label social media management

One of your biggest assets as a business owner is your time, and how you spend your time is vital to the success of your business. White label solutions, whether for social media services or your other offerings, will save your agency time so that you can focus on the bigger picture.

Taking into account the lengthy process behind social media marketing - strategizing, content creation, scheduling, and publishing - just one week’s schedule can take hours to execute. If you outsource this to our Social Media Managers here at MixBloom, you'll free up time to focus on other areas such as client relationships and scaling your business.

Even our onboarding process will save you time compared to the process of hiring an in-house Social Media Manager.

Think of it like this: the average hiring process takes 42 days. Once onboarded, they'll need training, and it can be weeks or months before the new employee is settled. At MixBloom, we already have a team waiting to take your clients’ social content to the next level within just days. 

Finding a white label social media management solution is an obvious choice when it comes to saving money. The cost of hiring an in-house Social Media Manager can rack up a hefty bill, yet it still places a limit on the amount of client work you can take on. With a white label social media management agency, you can scale your agency without having to worry about scaling your team - giving you ultimate flexibility to add or drop clients whenever you need.

The difference in price between white labeling vs hiring an in-house Social Media Manager

So, we’ve mentioned that white label social media management is a money-saving solution for marketing agencies - but what is the difference between the prices of hiring in-house versus white label, and is it actually worth it?

Let's consider the costs that are associated with hiring an in-house social media manager.

First, there’s the cost of filling the position. As well as being time-consuming, it costs an employer an average of over $4000 to fill a position. 

Of course, the main cost is the salary. For a Social Media Manager in the USA, the salary can be over $70,000. Not to mention the employee benefits - training, pension, workspaces, team building days, Christmas parties etc - that can add a few thousand to the total cost. 

When compared with the price of hiring an in-house Social Media Manager, a white label agency is the obvious choice to save money. Here’s why. 

As we’re not an employee, there are no fees involved in filling the position or employee benefits - it’s ultimately free to get us on board - saving you thousands before the social media management service is even accounted for. 

With our introductory social media management service - 'Starter Plus’ - you’d be looking at paying less than $4000 for one client, for one year. If you had 10 clients - which would be unrealistic for one employee to manage in-house - you’d still have change from the price of the average Social Media Manager salary. 

Plus you mitigate the risk of losing your employee or freelancer, meaning you'd have to start all over in your hiring and training process, possibly forcing you to halt your social media services and risk losing clients in the meantime. At MixBloom, we always have plenty of talented and trained Social Media Managers ready to step in immediately should your designated SMM be unavailable for any reason.

As a marketing agency expanding your services to include social media, we’d recommend starting on the ‘Starter’ package, which would set you back just $239 per month ($299 if you want a plan with video) - a huge saving compared to a salaried employee. 

See our affordable pricing plans and what you get for your buck.

Why not check out our 7 day free trial? Try our white label social media services and get free content for one of your clients (or your own agency) without any commitment.

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