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June 3, 2024

How to Solicit Feedback from Marketing Clients

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Dealing with Client feedback you disagree with

This post in a nutshell:

  • 3 benefits of customer feedback
  • How to prepare to ask for feedback
  • The top methods for collecting valuable feedback
  • How to analyze and implement constructive feedback

As a marketer, you know that the key to improving your business strategy is collecting feedback from customers. Listening to their thoughts and opinions can help you identify strengths and areas for growth.

But how can you get your clients to open up and share their thoughts?

In this article, we're going to explore some effective methods for soliciting genuine feedback that will help you strengthen your relationships with your clients.

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3 benefits of client feedback

Gathering relevant and actionable feedback from your clients will help you understand their goals and expectations, as well as areas where you could improve.

This can help you create a more personalized and effective strategy that meets their needs, improving your relationship and ultimately increasing your bottom line.

1. Feedback strengthens client relationships

On top of the business benefits, soliciting honest feedback from your clients helps build stronger working relationships. By showing that you actively care about their opinions and direct feedback, you're demonstrating that you value their partnership and are committed to their success.

One way to strengthen client relationships through feedback is to make sure that you're actively listening to their concerns and addressing them in a timely manner.

For example, if a client expresses dissatisfaction with a particular aspect of your service, take the time to understand their concerns and work with them to find a solution.

This will help build trust, show that you're invested in their success and prove that you have exceptional customer service. Responding to both positive feedback and negative feedback will improve overall customer satisfaction, and is a great way to improve or maintain customer retention.

2. Feedback improves your marketing strategies

At the same time, feedback can help you improve your marketing strategies by unlocking valuable insights you didn't have before.

This could include suggestions for new social channels to explore, opportunities for more effective messaging, or simply areas where your client would like to see more focus. Armed with this information, you can create a more targeted strategy that delivers value to your client.

For example, if a client suggests that they would like to see more content on a particular topic, you can use this feedback to create a more targeted content marketing strategy.

By creating content that meets their specific needs and interests, you can increase engagement and build a stronger relationship with your client.

3. Feedback helps you identify areas for growth

Critically, meaningful feedback can help you identify areas where your business can grow. Paying close attention to where your clients offer strategic suggestions and insights can identify unmet needs and opportunities that you may not have been aware of before.

If a client suggests that they would like to see a new product or service offering, you can use this feedback to explore new business opportunities.

By staying attuned to your clients' needs and desires, you can position your business for growth and success, while keeping happy customers!

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How to ask for feedback

As you prepare to ask for authentic feedback, keep in mind that the process should be a collaborative one. You want your current customers to feel like they are part of the business decision-making process, and that their opinions are valued and respected. You might even incentivize their feedback in various ways, such as offering a gift card or service free of charge.

that moment when a client leave gold feedback - Satisfied Seal Meme  Generator

Set clear expectations

The first step is to set clear expectations. Make sure your clients understand what you are looking for, and why it's important to you.

Be clear about who will be involved in the process, and what you'll do with their feedback once you've received it. Make sure your clients feel comfortable with your process and are excited to participate.

Setting clear expectations can also help to ensure that your clients provide you with the information and beneficial feedback you need.

By letting them know what you're looking for, you can help them focus their feedback and provide you with more actionable and intelligent insights.

Time your request

Choosing the right time to ask clients for feedback is important. Pick a time when your clients will not be overwhelmed with competing priorities of deadlines.

If possible, try to avoid asking customers for feedback during busy periods, and instead scheduling meetings or requests during quieter times in their workflows.

Good timing could be the difference between high-quality feedback and low-quality feedback. If your customers are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, the feedback process might be a negative experience for them, and they may not be able to provide you with thoughtful, detailed feedback.

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Prioritize and be specific

Your customer feedback questions should be carefully crafted to draw out insights that are most relevant to your business goals.

Be specific, and avoid asking broad, open-ended questions. Examples of useful questions might include:

  • What do you think are the strengths of our current strategy?
  • Have our marketing efforts impacted your brand awareness, lead generation, or sales as expected?
  • Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently with the campaign?
  • How well do you feel our team communicates with you regarding project updates and progress?
  • Do you feel comfortable reaching out to our team with questions or concerns?
  • What is your biggest marketing challenge or pain point right now?
  • What types of marketing services would you be interested in exploring with us in the future?

Asking specific questions can help you get more targeted feedback and customer reviews. It can also help you avoid getting generic or unhelpful responses. You might also consider questions that invite qualitative feedback versus quantitative feedback.

Remember, soliciting honest customer feedback is an ongoing process. It's not something you do once to tick the feedback box and forget about!

Methods for collecting feedback

Now that you're prepared to gather feedback, it's time to explore the different customer feedback methods you can use.

In-person meetings

One of the most effective and personal methods for gathering feedback is through in-person meetings.

Meeting with your clients face-to-face shows that you're making an investment in their opinion, and can help create a more honest and open dialogue. Plus, you'll have the opportunity to read their body language and reactions to your feedback.

In-person meetings can be conducted in your office, at a client's office or any other location that is convenient for both parties. It is important to prepare for the meeting by creating an agenda and setting clear expectations.

During the meeting, actively listen to your client's feedback and take notes. Ensure that you follow up on any action items that were discussed during the meeting.

Online surveys

If in-person meetings are not feasible due to geography or other constraints, online reviews and surveys are a great alternative.

They are cost-effective and easy to implement, and can help you collect large amounts of data quickly. Use online customer feedback tools that allow you to create comprehensive and customizable surveys with a variety of response types, and include a mix of closed and open-ended questions.

When creating your survey, ensure that the questions are clear and concise, and that you are collecting relevant data. Once you have collected the data, analyze it to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Email communication

Email communication can be a great way to initiate the feedback process or follow up on it while allowing clients to communicate their feedback at their leisure.

Carefully craft an email strategy outlining the main purpose, how clients can provide their feedback, and how you plan to act on their responses.

When drafting the email, ensure that it is personalized and that you are addressing the client's specific concerns.

Additionally, provide clear instructions on how to provide feedback, such as a link to an online survey or your contact information.

Phone calls

Another tried-and-true method of soliciting feedback is through phone calls.

This approach allows for more in-depth conversations where clients can provide detailed feedback without feeling overwhelmed by an email, questionnaire, or in-person meeting.

When making a phone call, ensure that you have a clear purpose and that you are prepared with a list of questions or topics to discuss.

Additionally, be respectful of the client's time and schedule the call at a convenient time for them. During the call, actively listen to the client's feedback, take notes, and follow up on any action items that were discussed.

Analyzing and implementing client feedback

The real value of client feedback comes from analyzing and implementing the responses.

Identify common themes

When you start analyzing your client feedback, the first step is to identify common themes. This involves looking for patterns in your data, grouping together comments or suggestions that express a common idea, need or concern. By doing this, you can tease out the most important insights and prioritize them accordingly.

For example, if you're a social media agency and you receive feedback from multiple clients about not offering as much content creation as they'd like, it might be time to look at other avenues like building a bigger team or outsourcing content creation.

If you're an agency or social media manager strapped for time and resources, consider outsourcing content creation to a white label platform like MixBloom.

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Prioritize actionable insights

Once you've identified the common themes in your feedback, the next step is to prioritize the feedback based on its overall importance and feasibility of implementation.

Some changes may be urgent and require immediate action, while others may be less pressing and can be implemented over time.

It's important to be mindful of the timeline for each change. Some changes may take longer to implement than others, so you'll need to prioritize accordingly.

You may also need to consider the resources required to implement each change, such as time, money, and personnel.

Communicate changes to your client

The final step is to communicate your plans to your clients. It's important to be transparent about what you will change and the reasons for the change. Explain how you will be improving your marketing strategy as a result of their feedback.

Effective communication is key to building trust with your clients. By keeping them informed about the changes you're making, you'll show that you value their feedback and are committed to improving their experience with your business.

Soliciting feedback from clients is one of the most important parts of being a marketer.

Not only does it help you improve your marketing strategy, but it also strengthens your business relationships with your clients.

By following these steps for collecting and analyzing feedback, you'll be well on your way to collecting positive reviews and enhancing your clients' user experience!

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